There is still one analog stick typically used for movement but there is a complete lack of a traditional D-Pad input. The first glaring thing about this controller is the lack of a traditional dual stick design and instead opts for these two large track pads. The steam controller is Valves attempt at creating an all-encompassing controller for use in mostly PC games as these are the only apps officially supported. Let's begin with a primer of what we are looking at. This will also be focused on windows as that is what I use and much will still apply for Linux and Mac but I have no way of testing that out so there you may be on your own. It isn't hard but there are many who would find it cumbersome or unintuitive at the least so here I will try my best to make a mostly comprehensive guide to working with this controller. Too many times have I had conversations on the steam forums about dolphin and even chatted to walk some people through the whole process of setup.
It is a fantastic piece of kit with some amazing features that work surprisingly well for Dolphin. I got my steam controller on October 16th and I love it.